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What Happens If I Fail a Test in EPICompliance Training/Course?

Not passing an EPICompliance training course test doesn't mean you can't succeed! Our platform is designed to help you learn and master the material at your own pace. Here's what you need to know and the steps you can take if you don't achieve a passing score on your first attempt or later tries.


Unlimited Attempts:

EPICompliance allows unlimited attempts to pass the test. This means you can retake the test as many times as necessary to achieve the required passing score of seventy percent (70%) or more correct answers.


Passing Score Requirement:

A passing score is set at seventy percent (70%) or more correct answers. This threshold ensures that you have adequately understood the material covered in the course, which is crucial for compliance with healthcare regulations and best practices.


Retaking the Test:

  1. Review the Material: Before retaking the test, it is highly recommended to revisit and thoroughly review the lecture materials. This can help clarify any misunderstandings and better prepare you for the questions.
  2. Access the Test Again: Navigate to the specific course in your EPICompliance dashboard under "My Training" or "Enrolled Courses." Click on the course, and you will find the option to retake the test.
  3. Retake the Test: After reviewing the necessary materials, proceed to retake the test. Remember, each attempt will present the questions in a possibly different order to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the course content.


Remember, mastering the material covered in this course ensures your understanding of crucial healthcare compliance regulations and best practices. Utilize the unlimited attempts and review resources provided to solidify your knowledge. We wish you success in your EPICompliance training!



For questions or concerns, contact us via the following:

  • Chatbox window on your EPICompliance Customer Console screen.
  • Telephone: 877-560-4261
  • Email: support@epicompliance.com