Understanding Your EPICompliance Customer Console Dashboard

The EPICompliance Customer Console dashboard serves as your central hub for managing your organization's compliance efforts. It provides a user-friendly interface with various tools to streamline these tasks. However, the specific features you see may differ depending on your assigned user role (e.g., Administrator, Manager, Basic User).


Easy Navigation:

  • Locate the orange menu button (often called a "hamburger menu") in the top right corner of your screen. This opens a menu with various options.
  • Just below the menu button, you'll find a toggle switch labeled "Overview" or "My Dashboard."


Overview Page (for Administrators):

This page offers insights relevant to administrators, including:

  • License Details: This section details your organization's EPICompliance license, such as:
    • Assigned Users: The number of users currently assigned to your EPICompliance license.
    • Available Users: The number of additional users your license can accommodate based on your subscription plan.
    • Total Locations: The number of locations covered by your current license.
    • Add Users/Locations: Depending on your permissions, you might see buttons to add additional users or locations to your license.
  • Modules: This section lists the specific compliance areas (modules) your organization has access to within the EPICompliance platform. Examples of modules include HIPAA Privacy, HIPAA Security, ACA/OIG-Medicare, and OSHA for Healthcare.
  • Overall Compliance Status: This provides a quick snapshot of your organization's overall compliance health.
  • Individual Compliance Statuses: This section showcases the compliance status for each specific module (e.g., HIPAA, OSHA). Each module has a progress meter with additional details like training completion and monthly tasks.
  • Quick Access to Documents: On the right side of the screen, you'll find quick access to relevant documents (Policies and Forms) to support your compliance efforts.


My Dashboard (for All Users):

This page focuses on your individual compliance tasks and training. You'll see sections like:

  • My Training: This section shows the total number of assigned courses, categorized by their completion status (not started, in progress, certified, etc.).
  • My Tasks: This section lists any compliance-related tasks assigned to you, categorized by their status (pending, completed, past due).
  • Enrolled Courses: This section provides a list of training courses you're currently enrolled in, including their completion status, expiration dates, and the option to resume or view certificates.
  • My Certifications: This section displays a list of your current and past compliance certifications.
  • Monthly Tasks: On the right side of the screen, you'll see a section dedicated to Monthly Tasks. This section provides an overview of your upcoming and overdue tasks categorized by different modules (e.g., OSHA for Healthcare).


Not Seeing All Features?

The features available on your dashboard may vary based on your user role. If you believe you need access to additional functionalities, don't hesitate to contact your Account Administrator for assistance.


Important Note: This explanation provides a general overview. The actual interface and functionalities may differ slightly based on your specific user role and assigned modules.



For questions or concerns, contact us via the following:

  • Chatbox window on your EPICompliance Customer Console screen.
  • Telephone: 877-560-4261
  • Email: support@epicompliance.com