Stay Informed with the EPICompliance Notification Center!

The EPICompliance Notification Center is your central hub for staying up-to-date on healthcare compliance matters and taking necessary actions. Think of it as your helpful companion, keeping you informed and ensuring your organization stays on track with compliance requirements.


What You'll Find in the Notification Center:

  • Actionable Alerts: These alerts, displayed with orange numbers, highlight areas where specific actions are needed to maintain compliance. Clicking on an alert provides clear instructions and recommendations, guiding you through the process.
  • Account Updates: The Notification Center keeps Account Administrators informed about important changes or notices related to your EPICompliance account. This might include:
    • New user additions
    • Monthly security reminders
    • Monthly compliance checklist updates
    • Password changes
    • Updates to template forms and policies


Accessing Your Notifications:

Accessing your notifications is convenient! Simply look for the bell icon or the "Notification Center" tab within your EPICompliance Customer Console. Clicking on a specific notification will display detailed information and any recommended actions you can take.


Staying Informed, Staying Compliant

By regularly checking the EPICompliance Notification Center, you can feel confident that your organization is taking the necessary steps to stay compliant with healthcare regulations. If you have any questions or require further assistance, don't hesitate to contact EPICompliance support.


Additional Tips:

  • Make checking the Notification Center part of your regular routine to stay ahead of potential compliance issues.
  • Encourage open communication within your organization regarding the Notification Center and its role in maintaining compliance.


Important Note:

It's important to note that user roles within your EPICompliance account determine what you can see and modify in the Notification Center. Typically, Account Administrators have broader access compared to other users.


For questions or concerns, contact us via the following:

  • Chatbox window on your EPICompliance Customer Console screen.
  • Telephone: 877-560-4261
  • Email: