1. EPICompliance Knowledge Base
  2. FAQs
  3. Federally Mandated Educational Courses

How to download or print the completed course certificates of Account Users?

  1. Your organizations' Account Level Administrator and License Administrator can access the Course Progress information (including certificates) of all Users under your Account and License, respectively.
  2. To download or print the completed courses’ certificates of your organizations’ Users, go to the "Course Administration" section, found under the "Accounts" column of the EPICompliance Customer Console screen.
  3. Click the "Course Details" tab.
  4. Choose the specific User with "Completed" course status whose certificate needs to be downloaded or printed.
  5. You will then be directed to the Course Details screen. From here, click on the “Download Certificate"


For questions or concerns, contact us via the following:
  • Chatbox/window on your Complete Compliance Suite screen.
  • Telephone: 877-560-4261
  • Email: support@epicompliance.com