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  3. Federally Mandated Educational Courses

How does EPICompliance ensure that its courses meet regulatory requirements for OSHA training?

We take the safety and health of our customers and their employees very seriously and are committed to providing high-quality training that meets regulatory requirements and best practices. To ensure this, we conduct a thorough review of regulatory requirements, work with subject matter experts to ensure accuracy and relevance and develop and test course materials to ensure effectiveness.

In addition, our education and training department regularly monitors changes in OSHA regulations to ensure that our courses remain up-to-date and compliant. We also seek accreditation from relevant industry organizations to demonstrate the quality and effectiveness of our training programs. EPICompliance strives to provide the most comprehensive and effective OSHA training to help our customers create safe and healthy workplaces.


For questions or concerns, contact us via the following:

  • Chatbox window on your Complete Compliance Suite screen.
  • Telephone: 877-560-4261
  • Email: support@epicompliance.com