Assigning and Editing Licensees in EPICompliance

A Licensee is the individual or entity authorized to use the EPICompliance Customer Console and its compliance resources. In simpler terms, it's the main subscriber who has agreed to the terms of service and holds the authority to access the system on behalf of your organization. Assigning a Licensee ensures proper coverage under the services provided by EPICompliance.


How to Assign or Edit a Licensee

Follow these steps to assign or edit a Licensee within the EPICompliance Customer Console:

  1. Log in to your EPICompliance Customer Console.
  2. Access the Administration Menu. Click on the Menu button (three horizontal lines) located in the top right corner of your dashboard.
  3. Locate the "Licenses" Section. Navigate to the "Administration" section within the menu and find the "Licenses" option.
  4. Select the License. A list of existing licenses might be displayed. Click on the specific License you want to assign or edit.
  5. Edit Licensee Information. Once you've selected the License, locate the "Licensee Information" section. Here, you can edit details like name, contact information, etc.
  6. Save Your Changes. After making necessary edits, click the "Update" button to confirm your changes.


Important Note:

  • User Roles and Access: The actions you can take within the "License Administration" section depend on your user role within the EPICompliance account. Account and License Administrators typically have broader access to manage licenses compared to other user roles.
  • One License per Entity: Each separate entity requiring coverage under EPICompliance needs its own individual license.



For questions or concerns, contact us via the following:

  • Chatbox window on your EPICompliance Customer Console screen.
  • Telephone: 877-560-4261
  • Email: